Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shooting Film


Hai a hassle time for me to update this blog. I need something exciting to update, therefore you are expose to exciting materials to read. 3 months is long duration but I am busy as I managing my life and juggling with my script. Well Done. I did finished up my script telemovie. Its a really fun story and it will be aired during Hari Raya. Do alert on the Cintaku Bibikku, RTM 1. Hopefully RTM will loved it and we can watch during Hari Raya. Its a light comedy and it wrote it based to real life, whats really happened to us everyday. So, please do watch the movie!!.
Now I am in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I accepted to be as Asst. Production for film. It a great opportunity for me because it is a film!!The best part it, I'm working with one of the best director and experience in Malaysia  Bade Hj.Azmi. I put it as learning process even I have been in the industry for 10 years. Film is a big scale of production. Acted in management department, I found it fun and learning process never ends.
The best part is, learning character of each individuals. Some of them, I've been knowing them for years but most of them I just know them. But hardly to say we like a new family and we do get along together.
The most interesting person in the team is my boss. The Production Manager. As time being, he is the best storyteller among us. Each meal time, he will told us story about his experiences before. Usually we laugh like hell. Jokers. I'm trying to update this interesting story daily if I'm not burden by jobs that i handled. So, this are few photos for you to see. This is what shooting film looks like.