Sunday, August 31, 2014


Salam & Anyonghaseyo... took 6 months to update my own blog...huhu!!! Well tons of story to tell. Of course there's a bad, good, uncomfortable story...The best of all I am expecting another baby this December!!! Third baby. Congrats to me!!! my hubby too..

Yes I assumed this year will be a great one even-though I choose to be full time housewife..(not really). Well, I'm  used to have work since my graduation day. Actually before I graduated, I started my freelance job. Now after 11 years of working, stayed at home is not a really good choices. I still hunger of being busy. Looking at my friends FB who had great jobs, I admit of having envy. Well, until now, I'm still searching for the correct offer. 

Early this year, I'm involved in producing corporate video. It started from pitched the idea, pre-production, production and post production. It took me nearly solid 3 months to submit the final product. That duration is only based from script writing, shooting day and editing. Not to mention the waiting for idea took about 2 month!!!! Well, the video turned good as I had the very best editor who did understand what the video needed and I gave him a salute. (Well done to me too off collecting those memorable photos from National Archive).

In the processing of making the video, I was surprised that I'm going to interviewed Tun Mahathir..What? Tun Mahathir? It was a dream come true. Do you know how hard to get him interviewed? So the day went very well. He was so charmed in his aged and really a nice person. I adored him as what other people said about him is true. We ended up the interview session with photography session. I'm the last person who took a picture with him. Below are the evidence.!!! 

At this time I'm 17 weeks/4 months pregnant. Can you see my bump? Well, this pregnancy really took my beauty out from this world. Hahahahahaha...This photo had become my phone wall for nearly 3 months!!!!

During the video processed I'm struggling with pregnancy sickness. Its really bad for me because my sickness came in the evening during my editing session. As far I'm concerned, my editor didn't realized that I'm pregnant. I've been experiencing headache from 4 pm onward and usually before bedtime, I puke. I took headache medication which lasted only for a few hours..Terrible but succeeded in finished the project. The sickness stopped after 22 weeks. 

Next story...soon.