Sunday, November 23, 2014

Counting The Days!!!

Assalam & Greetings. 

I've been occupied lately. 38 weeks of pregnancy I'm counting days to delivered. This is my third child and it has become new challenges for me. Instead of having beautiful experiences with 2 boys before, this pregnancy gave me a lot of new experiences. 

For the first time ever, I faced a headache from the 3rd months to 5th months. Its like a vertigo but not that worst, yet really uncomfortable. Do you now how I lived with that for several weeks? Emmm..That's why God gave women this special strength. This include with vomit with ease (I'm one of the kind who hardly vomit without reason unless I read a book in a vehicle). And I started to get more tired everyday. Even thought my tummy is not that big but the change of my hormones worsen. The best part, I'm getting lazy to do anything especially the house chores. The best medicine for this was sleep....

I thought of having a girl with all the symptom but during my third scanning, the nurse accidentally burst out the baby genital...Am I excited? Not that too excited..hehe..but alhamdulillah, Allah had a plan for me to have 3 boys. As long as the baby healthy. 

I told my friend (she work as PR at private hospital) about this pregnancy and she burst out laughing, I'm confused. She explained that this is the changes when you are pregnant in mid 30's. Then I'll say..Oh does make sense. I'm in late 20's when I had the boys. I still got the energy...OMG...I'm getting old!!!'That's why whoever age 35 above with pregnancy categorized in high risks. Well, different person will face different difficulties. As I'm concerned, my pregnancy still under control rather than sit in hospital for days even weeks during pregnancy.

Now I felt heavy. My baby kicking me hard and he loves to turn when he feels like it. (The skin of my tummy stretch and hurts). When I lay down, he moves and I horrified with the effects!!!! does look like an alien inside me. Haahahhahahha..

Ok then, till next update.