Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Salam & Greetings. 

Yeay!!! Chinese New Year is coming..I dont know why I'm excited about? Haha.. Usually I'm waiting for the Lion Dance or the best of the day is the noisiest sound of firecracker. Lucky me, im living in multicultural country where I had been introduced to several culture from different races & their faith. Still we live in harmonious & peace. So, I wish Happy Chinese New Year & May god bless us with more prosperous, happiness and tons joyousness through out this horse year. 

Its normal to watch cartoon when we are in primary or secondary school. I still remembered few title, Mr.Bogus, Tom & Jerry, Power Puff Girl, Mask Rider/ Kesatria Baja Hitam, Power Rangers (The original series), Spiderman & Friends etc..couldn't remembered others!!!At that time I prefer to watch Mask Rider rather than Ultraman.  
But my interest to cartoon never stopped after I graduated. I still had my favorite cartoon show when I am 24 years old. Oggy & The Cockroaches, you had heard about it before. It was 12 years ago but lately the cartoon aired through Astro channel and became famous. I was glad that the cartoon was back and introduced them to my boys. We enjoyed the show as much as I do and they do asked me how I know this show. Well, I watched this before you were born, I told them. I love the song very much and the storyline is very hilarious. A cat with a three cockroaches live in a house and created so much trouble. No dialogue or whatsoever and their action do make me laugh!!! Even my husband who I met before years of our marriage, agreed that I was in to the cartoon. He remembered how I rejected him to have breakfast (the show is on Sunday morning at 7.30 am) just to watched the show. But still, we got out after show and I will tell him the story. Hahaha....

Today, I still sit with my boys to watch cartoon. It is not because I have to sit with them but I do enjoy the show. Sometimes I forced to them to watch the show that I want to watch and lucky me they do love it too!!!Before, I watched cartoon by myself but nowadays I have 2 boys who really excited in sharing their interests. The best part is, I can show them what I watched before they exist. Thank you to HyppTV.
Mask Rider/Kesatria Baja HItam
Power Rangers (Original Series)

Joey, Dee Dee, Marky
(Oggy & The Cockroaches)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Year 2014 & Plagiarism

Salam & Greetings. 

I hope is not to late wishing you Happy New Year & Welcome 2014. Finally, a new chapter and beginning of everything in this Year of Horse. Yes, horse according to the Chinese calendar. Its really a fun way to have this different year based to animals. Well its just their believes and its good to know sometimes. Year of 2014 hope to be a year full of interest and more motivation come along way. All the past dream will come true and successful by this year. Me? Motivated to update this blog everyday with full of interesting topics to share. 

A year has past and realized that several bloggers keep on repeating or the terms of their action PLAGIARISM. This means they copy & paste others work and admit those are theirs. This is absolutely wrong and why this happened? 

I have been detected this blog because I usually did a research on several topics on health, history, animals and many more for my scripting projects. What I found was, I read an article on things which written by scholars or professionals from western or Asia. Then there were other bloggers which currently from my country wrote on same topic, but they just translated it to Malay language without mentioned their sources. The most important act, they said it is their writing. keep me wonder who wrote those article? Basically, I refer to those who wrote the article by Goggling their names and for sure and confirmed they are the writers. Writers who had background on the studies..

I couldn't believe that this is a matter of unaccepted behavior. And its true the action of plagiarism had been become a very hot topic in local university. Here, we have tons of government & private university. During my years at U, there was a captured of student plagiarist. Furthermore, it is a student from communication & media studies student but it too happened to others faculty. What ashamed. Well, they were given a warning and failed the paper. Of course, they deserved that. 

During my year as Master student ( I did not finished the program - thesis write up only..he), plagiarism existed among old students which changed my perception of those who took the courses. My lecturer had warned about the action and repeated the warned personally to me. Its a really bad offence because the person who had been caught was one of my colleague in the program. Well, juggling between carrier, assignment and datelines were those burdened days. I managed to finish all my coursework with great CGPA but got to faced a very tight scheduled on thesis writing. I had to given up my program but still insist to continue my studies. I still remembered what my program adviser told me, 'You must keep your enthusiasm & spirit on studies and Insyallah you will get your PHd'. 

Today, plagiarism become serious offended in higher education especially those who are in higher degree. Still there is a report on students been captured as plagiarist and those reports really saddened me. To be a student in University its a privilege and a new chapter in your life to grow and know the world. There is a different ways of learning and should each student carry this responsibility to achieve their goal. So far, only who had goal will achieved. Environment of what is your ambition must go on, not restricted to kindergarden and primary kids.  

My attention here that, we should remind our children especially those who are in higher education on this matter. Yes, we don't have the capability in helping them to get a correct resources especially when they are not in the same program. What we can do is get them to be real, support and guide to be more successful student.