Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shooting Film


Hai a hassle time for me to update this blog. I need something exciting to update, therefore you are expose to exciting materials to read. 3 months is long duration but I am busy as I managing my life and juggling with my script. Well Done. I did finished up my script telemovie. Its a really fun story and it will be aired during Hari Raya. Do alert on the Cintaku Bibikku, RTM 1. Hopefully RTM will loved it and we can watch during Hari Raya. Its a light comedy and it wrote it based to real life, whats really happened to us everyday. So, please do watch the movie!!.
Now I am in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I accepted to be as Asst. Production for film. It a great opportunity for me because it is a film!!The best part it, I'm working with one of the best director and experience in Malaysia  Bade Hj.Azmi. I put it as learning process even I have been in the industry for 10 years. Film is a big scale of production. Acted in management department, I found it fun and learning process never ends.
The best part is, learning character of each individuals. Some of them, I've been knowing them for years but most of them I just know them. But hardly to say we like a new family and we do get along together.
The most interesting person in the team is my boss. The Production Manager. As time being, he is the best storyteller among us. Each meal time, he will told us story about his experiences before. Usually we laugh like hell. Jokers. I'm trying to update this interesting story daily if I'm not burden by jobs that i handled. So, this are few photos for you to see. This is what shooting film looks like.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

25th Malaysia Film Festival. [FFM]Assalam & Greetings!!!

Past few weeks, i'm back to the right track after several circumstances appeared as devil intruders. Get back to do what i love and i did figured it out that writing and do read about history or heritage will make my day!!!Weird or different? You guess it. Well, today the issue is more on Malaysia Film Festival. Do you have any idea what's going on? Haha..i bet you don't even know what is it till you read this. As people who involves in the entertainment industry will notice this event. 

Yesterday was their launching at e@Curve, Mutiara Damansara (the building that has cinema) and several winners were announced. Food provided to guests and tables for standing,eating, chatting, which in a way of to get the food processed immediately while you are standing rather than sitting. Well, this all more to international culture who thought us to be more modernize. Does it? 

Get back to the I want to describe this. Its nothing new about FFM which they held this event yearly and not so glamoured event compared to Anugerah Berita Harian, Anugerah at TV3 even its involves celebrities. The best about it, we as Malaysians know who will win the best film. Does Malaysians or Malay community? Haha..

FFM has to be done because we have produced more than 30 films a year which had contributed to our economic and social. The purpose of FFM is more to appreciate actor, actresses, directors and people behind the scenes. Yes for me as a scriptwriter I would love my pieces to won an award..Who doesnt?

Started with traditional dances to welcome the Deputy Of KPKK, Dato Jusoh Salang and guests of honored. Yusof Whelcha and Vanida Imran acted as MC. Few awards been given, Best Scores, Best Music (Ombak Rindu), Best Costume (29 Feb), Best Child Actor, Best Animated, Best Director To be, (Yusof Haslam son) and severals which I didnt recall. The event I rated as 'biasa-biase aje. After that, guests were invited to watch movie Rock O, directed by Mamat Khalid. Its a continuation of film Rock. The film is about people who lives in 1980s where rock music such as influences in their daily lives. Fun and remembered back old days..

I took several photos during the event. Hope you enjoy!! Chaligayo

 Eating & Chatting Area

 Nisa & Zila

 Those who really give their best for successful

 Dearie frens of me from FINAS

 Guess who are they?

Sofia Jane & Melissa Saila

 Afdlin Shauki, ?, ? & Dira
 Singer & i dont know his name...Altimet? 
 Yusof Whelcha & Vanida Imran

 Dayang Nurfaizah

One Nation Emcee

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Assalm n greetings!...
Several months passed im pissed off with wht happened. Thts wht can i say now. Chaligayo!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Public Holiday! Again?

Anyonghaseyo!!greetings followers...hope u enjoyed ur holidy if u in holidy mood..those who hv to work, keep up d motivtn. i didnt plan any holdys n i thnk i should do it next year. its not i didnt like holidys but its seems to much when i hv tons of work to do. taking care of my kido while finishing my work is not bad at all. they company me with their creativity wit color n used my pen to 'conteng' their book. after all they hv my attention.
why im using korean language for greetings n to end my article? u must thought of d gangnm style or k-pop fever...not exactly. i did d language for 3semesters in uni. did great but it was 13 years ago. i still hv d reference n managed to read it. as to be said korean lang not tht difficult to learn!. ned to learn back. wel until we meet.
as usual get your priti priti set today!!!! chaligayo!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Assalm n greetings!  eemm..its difficult to hv jobs today. ive been unemployed for 6months n did jobs according to my time. nowadays, got to be in d office by 9am to 6pm. difficult..difficult especially you're not paid well...let see tis way...half for palestine...half for wht i mean?? d conclusion is assuming my attention to help but it doesnt work that way. to be nice is good but nice to retarded, it will kill you. ive been warned not to be in others family bisness n tis is what i get. u never work in a proper system n u not even know exactly whats your job n simply said EP had to everything from printing proposl, prepared cheque, received phone calls n so on so on Bullshit! Too long in your honeymoon time n i believe ull be in d situation until u r dead.
Had my day run smoothly n feel damn shit bout my work.
Therefore, im goin to hv a nice bath n wash my face wit priti2 soap n pampered it with serum n night cream. groomin time!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hapy New Year!!! Welcome 2013!!!

Assalam n happy new year!! Welcome 2013 n may Allah bless us all with good health n live in prosperous life this year. Most important more spirituous to be better n better through out the year. Its been a while (a month exactly) I didn't update this blog coz of my limitless of time. Been working n managing both of my children, I have lesser time for me. Started to felt exhausted but being really happy.I have job to do!!. It is great to have carrier back but my problem is:-my 100% to work will get me in trouble. Laziness will go away and I hope to give all my best to my work. My sons started school this year. I enrolled them to new Islamic Montessori Kindergarten school focusing on Montessori system and English based communication. I agreed that most of you have no idea what is Montessori. From my readings, Montessori is a system from USA created by kindergarten teacher named Mrs.Montessori. She believes in every children have special needs and unique in terms of their thoughts and ideas to learn follows their own ways. Children is given their own freedom to learn alphabet n numbers (eg) based to their interests. Adult guide them instead of giving orders, directions n punishment. Mrs. Montessori believes that children who are capable of doing things by their own will be success in their lives. This new school put together Islamic and Montessori system to their syllabus and I do hope that my sons will do great in their studies and grown up as good n better then me.  
Last but not least, don't forget to get yourself a set of Priti Priti. It had been a year Im using this product and my look become more radiant and I love it!!!Goodbye price for 2013 Trial Set RM40 and Full Set RM 180. Call me...Chaligayo!!!