Monday, January 28, 2013

Hapy New Year!!! Welcome 2013!!!

Assalam n happy new year!! Welcome 2013 n may Allah bless us all with good health n live in prosperous life this year. Most important more spirituous to be better n better through out the year. Its been a while (a month exactly) I didn't update this blog coz of my limitless of time. Been working n managing both of my children, I have lesser time for me. Started to felt exhausted but being really happy.I have job to do!!. It is great to have carrier back but my problem is:-my 100% to work will get me in trouble. Laziness will go away and I hope to give all my best to my work. My sons started school this year. I enrolled them to new Islamic Montessori Kindergarten school focusing on Montessori system and English based communication. I agreed that most of you have no idea what is Montessori. From my readings, Montessori is a system from USA created by kindergarten teacher named Mrs.Montessori. She believes in every children have special needs and unique in terms of their thoughts and ideas to learn follows their own ways. Children is given their own freedom to learn alphabet n numbers (eg) based to their interests. Adult guide them instead of giving orders, directions n punishment. Mrs. Montessori believes that children who are capable of doing things by their own will be success in their lives. This new school put together Islamic and Montessori system to their syllabus and I do hope that my sons will do great in their studies and grown up as good n better then me.  
Last but not least, don't forget to get yourself a set of Priti Priti. It had been a year Im using this product and my look become more radiant and I love it!!!Goodbye price for 2013 Trial Set RM40 and Full Set RM 180. Call me...Chaligayo!!!

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