Thursday, January 31, 2013


Assalm n greetings!  eemm..its difficult to hv jobs today. ive been unemployed for 6months n did jobs according to my time. nowadays, got to be in d office by 9am to 6pm. difficult..difficult especially you're not paid well...let see tis way...half for palestine...half for wht i mean?? d conclusion is assuming my attention to help but it doesnt work that way. to be nice is good but nice to retarded, it will kill you. ive been warned not to be in others family bisness n tis is what i get. u never work in a proper system n u not even know exactly whats your job n simply said EP had to everything from printing proposl, prepared cheque, received phone calls n so on so on Bullshit! Too long in your honeymoon time n i believe ull be in d situation until u r dead.
Had my day run smoothly n feel damn shit bout my work.
Therefore, im goin to hv a nice bath n wash my face wit priti2 soap n pampered it with serum n night cream. groomin time!!!

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