Monday, October 8, 2012

Assalam & morning!!!
Im at mamaks tis moning waiting for Priti Priti founder to have a short meeting..hahaha..meeting at mamaks. Yesterday I met a new friend named Wawa. Pretty girl n she's a shoe designer..Jimmy Choo future wanna be..her design not bad at all...complete my style and not sure about u guys. You can visit her boutique Violetta Design near Sakura Restaurant, Melawati. Her mother is one of PRiti Priti agent and she did joined us on tis. Its shows that PRiti PRiti is doing great!!!As usual, I didnt applied any makeup today and still people are turning around to see me..(not sure either im priti or buruk) he...But makcik who sat beside me says..'ala..cantiknye...' Direct selling approached by giving her fylers....after talking to her about PRiti PRiti this is what she said ...'Ala..makcik dah tua....nak pakai cream-cream takut lupa la..nanti makcik tanya anak makcik ye...'Translation - 'Im afraid that i Forget to wear the cream..let me ask my child about tis'. HAhahaaaaa...this is I called twisted marketing agenda!!!
Priti Priti users, consistency is a MUST!!! until then...chaligayo!!!

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