Monday, October 29, 2012


Assalam & Greetings...

OMG!!!I realized this morning that I haven't update the blog for a week. I broke my own promises!!! It has been a breakthrough weekdays and weekends. I should share some of the stories with you all. Last weeks I've been offered to prepare a TV programme proposal for RTM. Its a magazine programme and I did managed to prepare 9 proposal for my friend, the producer. I did it in 2 days which my brain  worked for more than 72 hours to get he best words to describe the programme. Luckily, the day before, the producer had arranged a discussion between writers and EP (Exec Producer) and I did met new friends.The discussion went well as I've shared my thoughts and opinions towards several topics which had been guide lined by RTM. I'm happy with the discussion  because I had a chance to 'fight' on the ideas I brought up. I liked this one partner writer coz he had been given such a unique topics on every ideas that we had. He kind of brilliant in making title for each programme. From my observation, entertainment industries is really fun, enjoyable, exhausted and it does make yourself not yourself. Correct words is hypocrite. For me I had to change myself from being honest and 'berterus terang'. Not many people out there can received honest words. Is is not a mistakes that I made, but its a way to improve ourselves. (P/S: This is why I've been asked to quit my last position). If you have money and power, that's not a problem. People will gives their promises and they do like you instantly. Am I right? 
I'm so happy that my ALL my  proposal had been approved to be pitch/present in front of RTM juries, this end of November. During this few weeks, I've got to prepare a complete proposal and a few short clipping base to the topics that I want to present. I've got to present 7 titles...yeeehaaaaa.
After finished up the work, the Haj Raya Eid/ Raya Haji is coming. We decided to have the raya in KL instead of Kuala Terengganu. Guess what? I had to prepared the food..Huhuhu..its only 3 days before the raya and I had decided to cook Nasi Impit, Rendang Ayam, Rendang Daging and Kuah Kacang Ayam. I told my hubby the menu and he said 'OK'..(He knows that Im no Chef, and he had to eat even the deliciousness is questioned). Yes..I did it with a good work. But, my Kuah kacang ayam was a failure. I'm not going to elaborate more on that.Hehe..Below are the evidence. Rendang Ayam on left, Rendang Daging on right. 

Looks delicious yeah...Only rendang ayam received a compliment. Well, its not that hard to cooked it but it takes several hours from prepared the ingredients until it cooked. Especially when you do it by yourself..Before closing my ending pitch...if you haven't get your PRITI PRITI set yet, do let me be inform. IT does help to you to get a glowing skin you have never had. Until, then...Chaligayo!!!

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