Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Assalam n greetings!!
I read facts about beauty in a Her World magazine October edition regarding our skin when we go to sleep at night. They suggested the best time to sleep is by no later than 11 pm. It is important to know that during sleeping our body releases growth hormones that rebuild tissues. At this time, hormones growth most abundantly. The earlier you go to sleep, the more time your body repair itself. More facts, around 2 pm the division rate is almost double and do aim to be in a deep sleep. The reason why we develop pigmentation and pimples easily is because we skip the liver's detoxification period which occurs between 11pm to 1am. Between 1am and 3am, the gallbladder(pundi hempedu) undergoes its detoxification process. After 4am, detoxification of the lungs takes place. If you sleeping late, you'll miss out all these detox processes. It does show up on your skin. When I read this facts, words coming out from my mouth...ooooo, now I know..So it is not to late to learn and practise this healthy tips with others. How those old people or generations before us can live longer..they sleep early..does it make sense to you? They got all the natural detoxification daily. Until tomorow i share more about the bedtime benefits..and dont forget to get your own Priti Priti set or helps others who has pimples, pigmentation and uneven skin tones...Chaligayo!!

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